Parent Support Advisor

At Mousehold Infant and Nursery School, we prioritise supporting children and their families. By intervening at an early stage, our work aims to prevent more problems from arising in the future. 

Parenting isn’t an easy job, and at times, things can get extremely tough.  Our Parent Support Advisor, Amanda Derer, is here to help parents and carers deal with any worries they may have. While we can’t promise to have all the answers, our goal is to collaborate with parents and families, identify challenges, and provide support throughout the process. This may involve assisting parents in helping their child get the best from school life, providing support during meetings with teachers and other professionals, supporting school attendance, and preventing difficult behavior from escalating.

Amanda can also help by directing parents to services and other agencies for specific problems. 

If you would like to find out more about how Amanda could help you, please get in touch with the school office.


Useful resources for parents to help their child to cope with bereavement.

Telling a child that someone has died

Useful contacts

Mousehold Infant and Nursery School is part of Inclusive Schools Trust