
‘Music can change the world because it can change people.’ 

How is Music taught at Mousehold Infant and Nursery School? 

At Mousehold Infant and Nursery School, music is a highly valued, vibrant, and powerful subject embedded within our broad curriculum. Our intent is to foster a love for music and singing.

Singing plays a significant role in daily school life, serving as a foundation for special celebrations, assemblies, and productions. Children from Reception to Year 2 participate in a weekly singing assembly led by the Music Subject Leader.

In Nursery and Reception, children have the opportunity to play both tuned and untuned instruments as part of their Continuous Provision. Staff use musical games to develop listening skills and assist with class routines. Reception children also engage in a lively weekly ‘Music and Movement’ session led by a visiting professional.

Year 1 children take part in a weekly whole-class ukulele lesson led by a visiting music specialist. At the end of the school year, the children showcase their skills to their families and peers.

Year 2 children participate in a weekly samba drumming lesson led by a visiting samba drumming specialist. The Year 2 children delight in performing samba for their families and peers during their Year 2 leavers’ assembly.

Choir is offered as a club to all children from Reception to Year 2, taking place during a playtime. The choir eagerly anticipates opportunities throughout the year to perform within the wider community. Additionally, a recorder club is offered to all Year 2 children.

Mousehold Infant and Nursery School is part of Inclusive Schools Trust