Mousehold Infant and Nursery School is committed to serving its community and surrounding areas. It recognises the multicultural, multifaith, and ever-changing nature of the United Kingdom, and therefore, those it serves. It also understands the vital role it has in ensuring that groups or individuals within the school are not subjected to intimidation or radicalisation by those wishing to unduly, or illegally, influence them.
The school’s admissions are open to all those entitled to an education under British law, including pupils of all faiths or none. It follows the policies outlined by its Governing Body regarding equal opportunities, guaranteeing that there will be no discrimination against any individual or group, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status, or similar. It seeks to serve all.
The government emphasises that schools are required to ensure that key ‘British Values’ are taught in all UK schools – the values of:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
- Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
Promoting British Values
Mousehold Infant & Nursery School is committed to serving its community and surrounding areas. We recognise the multicultural, multifaith nature of the United Kingdom and understand the crucial role our school plays in promoting these values. We have achieved the British Council’s Full International School Award. This statement outlines the key British values we actively promote.
- Children are involved in democratic processes, e.g., voting for School Councillors and Green Team representatives.
- Both the School Council and Green Team are led by a member of staff who adheres to democratic processes.
Individual Liberty
- Within the school, children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.
- As a school, we educate and provide boundaries for children to make choices safely.
- Through our curricular clubs and opportunities, children are given the freedom to make choices.
- The aims and ethos statement are embodied in all that we do in our school.
Mutual Respect
- Sports activities promote an attitude of equality and fairness.
- Our PSHE curriculum embodies values of mutual respect through units of learning, such as relationships and being a responsible citizen.
- Respect is embedded within our whole school rules.
- Our curriculum reflects our understanding of how to keep Britain and the world in good shape.
The Rule of Law
- We have links with the local police through the PCSO.
- We have a clearly structured behaviour policy that all stakeholders understand and follow.
- Pupils participate in decision-making to agree on class and school rules. As a result, they understand the reasons for rules and laws that govern their behaviour in school and society.
- We regularly review behaviour incidents in school and share these with key stakeholders.
- Assemblies are delivered with a moral focus.
Tolerance of Those Different Faiths and Beliefs
- Our Religion and Worldviews curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions, and cultures. At Mousehold Infant and Nursery School, there is a strong focus on Christian values.
- We hold the Full International School Award from the British Council.
- We have a large number of E.A.L children and actively use school resources to promote their learning and integration into our school society.
- We have a rich and diverse curriculum.
- We have visitors from other faiths who share their language and culture with our pupils.
- We have a range of resources available to use in class to promote work on similarities and differences.
- We provide the children with an understanding of the main festivals and key dates of significance to British culture, e.g., Remembrance Day.
- We have a focus language every month, where children learn key words and information about the language spoken.