Newsletter 19th April 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back after the holidays. I hope you all managed to enjoy the sunshine and time with friends and family.

The children have started back confidently and have enjoyed meeting up with their friends after the break. The outdoor learning environments are being used well, with flowers and trees blooming. The children love to see the seasonal changes in their environment.

Reading at Mousehold

At Mousehold we teach reading in a range of ways to ensure everyone in our school is a storyteller and reader. We use our phonics programme Little Wandle Letters and Sound to ensure children have books matched which builds their reading, storytelling and understanding skills (Decoding, prosody and comprehension). Please take a moment to look at the Little Wandle Website, there are lots of helpful resources on the parent page. For parents | Letters and Sounds (

Reading is for enjoyment as well as for education. Sharing a story is as beneficial as hearing your child read. Here are a few ways to make reading to your child and hearing your child read more comfortable and enjoyable for the whole family.

1. Turn off all devices, immerse yourself in the story and let your imagination run wild!

2. Practise using different voices for each character.

3. Discuss the story, you could start by both answering the question ‘What was my favourite part and why?’

4. Choose a suitable time of the day for example, your child may wish you read to them before school but may like to hear a story before bed.

If you have not already, you could take your child to visit your local library, they will receive their own library card and you can borrow up to 15 books per visit. Libraries also offer lots of free children’s entertainment such as Lego clubs at the weekends and bounce and rhyme sessions for babies and toddlers.

If you have any questions about supporting your children reading, please speak to your class teacher

Attendance at Mousehold Infant and Nursery School

We have a celebration assembly each Friday afternoon where we share children’s achievements with everyone. As part of this assembly, we congratulate the class with the highest overall attendance for that week. The class with the highest attendance in Key Stage 1 receives ‘Top Dog’ to take to their classroom for the week. The class with the highest attendance in Reception receives ‘Top Cat’.

Our whole school attendance target is 96%. Current whole school attendance is 94.6%.

Top Dog – this week the highest attendance for Key Stage 1 goes to Skylark class with 96%.

Top Cat – this week the highest attendance for Reception goes to Goldfinch class with 100%.

A group of kids in a classroom

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Traffic and Parking outside school

Please help keep our children and families safe on the roads and paths outside school. Yesterday there were several cars not following the traffic calming measures. Please be considerate, drive slowly, be mindful of very small children on pavements and crossing the road.

Please see our website for all of our policies and more information about safeguarding

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mr Tolson, Mr Smith, Miss Balachandre, Mrs Greenwood and Miss Wood.

These members of staff monitor and manage all safeguarding practices and ensure staff are supported and have the training they need. Please ask to see one of these adults if you are worried about the safety of a child at school.

If you have a safeguarding concern about a child out of school hours then the number to ring is:

CADS – Children’s Advice and Duty Service – 0344 800 8020.

Dates for your Diary

Thursday 2nd May – Phonics Parents Meeting (Year 1) 9am and 2:45pm (two sessions – just attend one. Thanks)

Friday 7th June – Reception Sports Day – 9am

Friday 21st June – KS1 sports day – 9am

Nursery Sports Day- TBC

Thank you for your continued support

Yours faithfully
Mr Ian Tolson
Head of School

Mousehold Infant and Nursery School is part of Inclusive Schools Trust