Dear Parents and Carers,
The school community has really made me smile this week. There has been a lovely, happy atmosphere in the classrooms and at lunchtimes and break times as well as before and after school on the playground. A favourite part of my job is welcoming families to school each day. So many children come into the playground skipping, excited to see their friends. What a wonderful community we are all part of.
Partnership News
We had an excellent partnership meeting on Thursday this week. Staff and leaders from both schools met together and we reflected on the past term as well as talking openly about what makes our schools special and unique and what was needed moving forward. Staff from both schools highlighted the strength of ‘team’ and support and nurture for all. Staff enjoy coming to work, and because of this they are motivated to teach your children and give them the very best.
Kings Coronation
At Mousehold we have been celebrating the Kings Coronationthis week.
We have been learning all about different Kings and Queens. The celebration included a non-uniform day. Children were encouraged to wear a Coronation theme of red, white, or blue. We also had a Coronation picnic.
Look out for photos on Facebook and WEDUC (Reach More Parents)
A message from the Mental Health Champions
Finding Joy in the Mundane…
We all have things to be happy about, even when things aren’t going quite how we expected them to. There is joy all around us but the challenge is finding the time to see it! All of us know that life as a parent is not always a ‘walk in the park’ and you may so often find yourself so stretched. Know that you are not alone. Breathe. Find happiness and contentment in the things that are often the everyday, we can get through each day. It may be something as simple as watching a tree on the route you walk to school change through the seasons, it could be saying hi to the dog walker who you pass on the way home from the school run. Enjoying the feeling of seeing your child run toward you after you’ve had a long day. Whatever it may be, take the time to enjoy it. Life is meant to have joy. Some of us may have reflected in recent days of the sadness that is in the news at the moment, we truly do have things to be thankful for. We live generally speaking in a peaceful world, where our children are able to go to school, receive an education, there are many places where this isn’t the case at the moment…
When you find yourself feeling down and wondering how you are going to make it one more day, turn your thoughts to the simple things in life that make you smile. They don’t have to be big. They don’t have to mean something to anyone else; the important thing is that they have meaning to you. Chose to invest in others even if it is just a friendly hello, it can often make you feel better.
Please reach out if you are finding things difficult. Take the time to check in on your friends and family. If you notice a difference in their character, care enough to ask how they are doing. Sometimes it’s hard to ask for help, many mental health issues can be debilitating and make simple everyday task so difficult. You may be able to help your loved ones.
To help you remember the number to contact urgent mental health support 24/7, you can now call 111 and select option 2.
You can also still use the First response number found here:
0808 196 3494
Privates are Private – TALK PANTS
As part of our RSHE and PSHE curriculum we teach children how to keep themselves and others safe with the help of a friendly animated dinosaur called, ‘Pantosaurus.’ The link below shows you the song and what we teach the children:
- Privates are private
- Always remember your body belongs to you
- No means no
- Talk about secrets that upset you
- Speak up, someone can help
Please see our website for all of our policies and more information about safeguarding
Designated Safeguarding Leads Mr Tolson, Mr Smith, Miss Balachandre and Miss Wood. These members of staff monitor and manage all safeguarding practices and ensure staff are supported and have the training they need. Please ask to see one of these adults if you are worried about the safety of a child at school. |
If you have a safeguarding concern about a child out of school hours then the number to ring is: CADS – Children’s Advice and Duty Service – 0344 800 8020. |
Diary Dates
Monday 8th May – Coronation Day Bank Holiday – School Closed
Week Commencing Monday 29th May – Half-Term Holiday – School Closed all week
Thank you for your continued support
Yours faithfully
Mr Ian Tolson
Head of School