Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we are starting to see some sunnier weather. The sunshine really does make a difference to wellbeing and mental health for us all. As we near the end of the Spring Term we are seeing great examples of the progress children have made with their learning in all subjects. Teachers plan in ways for children to remember their learning. We call this ‘retrieval practice.’ When children understand their learning, they are more likely to remember it.
Partnership News
I have spent time with children at George White, asking them about their experiences at school, as well as looking at their writing books with them and observing their lessons. It has been a real privilege talking to children who I remember from Mousehold and to see and feel the improved confidence and self- esteem.
Comic Relief Day
Last Friday the children had enjoyed wearing something red and taking part in fun activities to celebrate ‘Red Nose Day’. We raised an amazing total of £189.26 which will be used to aid lots of different charities. Thank you for all your support.
A message from our Mental Health Champions
Family Traditions
What are Family Traditions?
Traditions provide shared memories and a chance to connect with each other. They provide family members a chance for face-to-face interaction, help family members get to know and trust each other more intimately, as well as create and strengthen bonds.
Family traditions are a great way of passing on values. For example, eating together at dinner time can encourage unity. Reading bedtime stories, can pass on the importance of reading and education.
Traditions may be a way of passing on cultural and religious heritage such as making a special dish for the family during Eid, or an egg hunt during Easter.
Shared memories help each family member feel a sense of belonging which brings comfort and security and a sense of wellbeing. During times of change such as moving school or house, traditions can help children feel secure at a time where things can feel unstable.
Getting Started…
Get your family together and make a list of all the family traditions that you already have. You might find that you’ve got more than you realise as you maybe didn’t consider some of things you do, as a tradition, for example, like eating a roast dinner on a Sunday, watching a movie that’s a family favourite on Christmas Eve, eating watermelon in the Summer holidays.
Sometimes traditions are started by chance. Perhaps one day you go for a walk and end of throwing sticks in a stream and after that every time you go past that particular stream you do the same thing.
Some traditions may be handed down from another generation i.e. Every year Nanny bought everyone a new Christmas decoration, so now Mummy does the same for the family, so that the tradition is carried on.
Traditions don’t have to cost any money, they are unique for every family. There’s always space for new traditions. For stepfamilies or fostering/adoptive parents it can be good to work on building new memories and experiences together. It doesn’t mean that you abandon all the old traditions, it may just be you add to them with traditions that reflect your new blended family.
Safeguarding – Online Safety
Please see our website for all of our policies and more information about safeguarding
Designated Safeguarding Leads Mr Tolson, Mr Smith and Miss Wood. These members of staff monitor and manage all safeguarding practices and ensure staff are supported and have the training they need. Please ask to see one of these adults if you are worried about the safety of a child at school. |
If you have a safeguarding concern about a child out of school hours then the number to ring is: CADS – Children’s Advice and Duty Service – 0344 800 8020. |
Diary Dates
Wednesday 29th March – Bag2School – see WEDUC Newsfeed for full details of this Friends’ event.
Friday 31st March – Classical Music Performance in School
Friday 31st March – Last Day of Spring Term
Tuesday 18th April – Pupils back in school for the Summer Term
Thank you for your continued support.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Yours faithfully
Mr Ian Tolson
Head of School